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Writer's pictureKevin Caple

Risk Management/COVID


The New Mexico Youth Soccer Association fully subscribes to the US Youth Soccer KidSafe initiatives, the USYS Code of Conduct, USSF Recognize to Recover and has established a statewide risk management program. As part of that program, all coaches and program administrators must submit to a sensitive criminal history background check, complete the CDC's Concussion Certification for Coaches and be SafeSport trained annually. For detailed information on the NMYSA Risk Management Program, you can view the NMYSA Risk Management Program in its entirety. To complete the electronic background check disclosure, access the concussion training and SafeSport training, coaches must register with their League/Club.

RETURN TO ACTIVITY COVID UPDATE, (8/20/21) Effective 8/20/21, the New Mexico Public Health Order issued on 8/17/21, requires all individuals age 2 years and older to wear a mask or multilayer cloth face covering in all indoor public settings except when eating or drinking. New Mexico Youth Soccer will continue to follow all NM PHOs and COVID Safe Practices available at

RETURN TO ACTIVITY COVID UPDATE, (8/3/21) New Mexico Youth Soccer Association will continue to follow the NM PHOs and COVID Safe Practices established by the State of New Mexico. Based on the current health order, it is recommended that we follow the masking requirements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as indicated below.

  • If you are not fully vaccinated and aged 2 or older, you should wear a mask in indoor public places.

  • In general, you do not need to wear a mask in outdoor settings.

    • In areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases, consider wearing a mask in crowded outdoor settings and for activities with close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated.

Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth is required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and while indoors at U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations. Travelers are not required to wear a mask in outdoor areas of a conveyance (like on open deck areas of a ferry or the uncovered top deck of a bus).


Effective 6/30/21, the New Mexico PHO and the COVID Safe Practices have been modified to lift masks wearing requirements for fully vaccinated participants. Below is the specific information we received from the Governor's office. We have also received a Vaccination Attestation form that is required by the State of New Mexico to be completed by the parents of youth participants, (for players 12 years and older). Parents complete the attestation form, (for players 12 years and older), and provide the completed form to their coach/club. Players that are fully vaccinated may then play without a mask. Coaches/clubs will maintain these forms so that they can be provided to the Office of the Governor if requested, (de-identified data only), as indicated below. NMYSA will only sanction activity that complies with the current Public Health Order/COVID Safe Practices as issued by the New Mexico Governor's office.

  • Face coverings shall be worn at all times by participants three and older. The only exception is for fully vaccinated players on the field of play. A person is considered fully vaccinated when they reach two weeks after their second dose of Pfizer and Moderna or two weeks after their one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. To ensure compliance, vaccination attestation must be tracked by the New Mexico Activities Association or the team’s affiliated sports association. Sports associations must report de-identified vaccination data to the Office of the Governor when requested.


Exciting news!

New Mexico Public Health Orders and All Together New Mexico COVID Safe Practices have been modified to allow for youth sports games/activities to resume. Under the new CSP, NMYSA leagues and club can resume league play by following the New Mexico Activities Association (NMAA) COVID-19 Participation Guidelines,, Please note, New Mexico Youth Soccer Association only sanctions activity that complies with the New Mexico Public Health order, CSPs and the NMYSA Play On protocols guided by the USSF PLAY ON Grassroots Soccer initiative. Before you begin/continue training, please ensure the following,

  • Designate a COVID 19 Mitigation contact person for your League/Club and notify us who that person is via email at This person is responsible for your compliance, communications, record retention, mitigation and incident management for your League/Club.

  • Familiarize your coaches, players and parents with the NM COVID Safe Practices for Youth Sports Programs and the NMYSA PLAY ON Protocols

  • Ensure that players/coaches are registered to NMYSA system for the 20-21 season

If coaches, players and administrators are not comfortable beginning soccer games/trainings, it is important they understand that they should not! No one should feel pressured or pressure others into a decision to participate.


  • All athletes and parents/guardians must sign the COVID-19 Code of Conduct prior to participating in sports activities. For those newly registered players, the Code of Conduct may be integrated as an electronic legal agreement when registering.

  • Masks are required for all participants, coaches, players, administrators and spectator/parents.

  • Coaches/League/Clubs maintain attendance/screening records of all participants at each training session/game, (Participant Monitoring Form).

  • COVID-19 testing is required for all coaches on a monthly basis unless they have completed their vaccination. Free testing is available at various locations throughout the state or online at

  • Spectators are permitted to the extent allowed by the current Public Health Order for Large Entertainment Venues. Red 0%, Yellow 25%, Green 50% and Turquoise 75%.

It is imperative that all NMYSA members adhere to the Public Health Orders, NMYSA PlayOn Protocols, NM COVID Safe Practices and the New Mexico Activities Association, (NMAA) Participation Guideline in order for NMYSA to sanction the activity. Non-compliance may result in sanctions against violators. Please ensure compliance so that our youth may continue to play!

RETURN TO ACTIVITY COVID UPDATE, (2/10/21) Many of the New Mexico counties have moved into a green or yellow status, allowing for increases in the number of participants, (5 for Red, 10 for Yellow and 20 for Green). If you are located in a county that is now yellow or green, (Map), you may increase your training session participants to 10 or 20 respectively. Please note that the New Mexico COVID Safe Practices have also been updated to allow for increased numbers based on the color phases for reopening, (CSP). We are still prohibited from contact, must social distance, wear masks and follow COVID Safe Practices for Youth Sports. NMYSA will continue to sanctioning activity that complies with the Public Health Orders, CSP and NMYSA PlayOn protocols.


Effective Wednesday December 2, 2020, the NM governor has issued an updated Public Health Order providing for a three tiered "Red to Green" system of permissables determined by county. As such, New Mexico Youth Soccer will begin sanctioning small group trainings, Red Counties no more than 5, Yellow Counties not more than 10 and Green Counties no more than 20 participants. All trainings must comply with NMYSA PLAY ON phase I protocols NM Public Health orders and Covid Safe Practices. Currently, the vast majority of NM counties fall under the Red level, (no more than 5). Please see the NM Health Department website for specific county color levels. RETURN TO ACTIVITY COVID UPDATE, (11/13/20) Effective Monday November 16, 2020, the NM Governor has issued a new Public Health Order providing for a two week "reset" until November 30, 2020. As such, NMYSA will pause sanctioning of any soccer trainings to comply with the order. RETURN TO ACTIVITY COVID UPDATE, (10/16/20)

New Mexico Public Health Order restrictions been modified to reduce the number of people that can gather in groups to no more than 5. New Mexico Youth Soccer Association only sanctions activity that complies with the New Mexico Public Health order and the recently modified NMYSA Phase I protocols guided by the USSF PLAY ON Grassroots Soccer initiative. Before you begin/continue training, please ensure the following,

  • Designate a COVID 19 Mitigation contact person for your League/Club and notify us who that person is via email at This person is responsible for compliance, communications, record retention, mitigation and incident management for your League/Club.

  • Familiarize your coaches, players and parents with the NM COVID Safe Practices for Youth Sports/Programs and the NMYSA PLAY ON Phase I Protocols

  • Ensure that players/coaches are registered to NMYSA for the 20-21 season

If coaches, players and administrators are not comfortable beginning soccer trainings, it is important they understand that they should not! No one should pressure or pressure others into a decision to participate.


  • Masks are required for all participants, coaches, players, administrators and spectator/parents.

  • Coaches/League/Clubs maintain attendance/screening records of all participants at each training session, (Participant Monitoring Form).

  • Phase I does not allow for spectators. Parents should drop off their player, remain in their cars and follow all Public Health Orders.

It is imperative that all NMYSA members adhere to the Public Health Orders, NMYSA Phase I Protocols and NM COVID Safe Practices in order for us to maintain our open/sanctioning status with the State. Non-compliance may result in sanctions against violators, Soccer being restricted by Health Order and/or our ability to move forward to another phases/league play. Please ensure compliance so that our youth can play soccer!

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